Hosted Checkouts

5 min. readlast update: 07.10.2024

Hosted Checkout

Hosted Checkouts are great for merchants that needs an easy way to allow customers to make an online payment without having to worry about PCI compliance or heavy coding requirements. 

Ask your Everyware representative or email to have Hosted Checkouts enabled for your Everyware site. 

Once enabled, your site will have a new Hosted Checkout Settings Tab

Get Started - Hosted Checkout Settings

  • Log into Everyware > Open Settings > Navigate to the Hosted Checkout Tab
  • In the Hosted Checkout settings table you'll see
    • Checkout page names
    • Checkout page statuses
    • Dates Checkouts were created
    • Dates Checkout settings were last edited
    • Redirect URLs (if applicable)
    • Checkout page QR Codes
    • Checkout page URLs 
  • You can edit, delete or temporarily disable (deactivate) any Checkouts with the Active column toggles and Actions column edit and delete buttons.

Create a New Hosted Checkout 

Navigate to Settings > Hosted Checkout > Click the blue Create New button  

Proceed through the 3 Hosted Checkout module Steps:

  1. Choose YourPage Type
  • Select the Basic Payment Form option
  • Type a name in the Checkout Page Name field. Only you and your staff will see this name.
  • Click Next to proceed to CUSTOMIZE  PAGE

👆 E-commerce, Subscription and Giving checkout types will be released in 2024-2025


2.  Customize Your Page

Under CUSTOMIZE YOUR PAGE, you can adjust 5 things:

2.1) Payments

The payment methods available with your Sales Site will be checked ON by default. If you wish to hide one of these options on the Checkout, uncheck it. 

2.2) Payment Features

  • Email address requirement is ON by default but can be toggled OFF 

  • A phone number is always required and cannot be toggled OFF 

  • The option for customers to save their info for next time is toggled ON by default but can be toggled OFF. We do not recommend turning off this requirement as it will impede the customer’s expedited payments in the future

2.3) Customer Information

You must require the customer to enter an email address but can toggle off the option to invite customers to save payment info on file. 

2.4) Terms & Conditions

  • Here, merchants can input their very own Terms & Conditions, Privacy Policy. They can write them in directly and/or link to their full terms/policy URLS on their own websites. 
  • These terms and policy will appear on Hosted Checkout forms with Everyware’s terms and policy. Both sets of information can be clicked if the customer chooses to click on them.

2.5) Branding & Style

  • Show or hide the header of the Checkout page/form
  • Upload a logo OR type in a form title
  • Change the background and font colors for the form and header
  • Change the shape, background, font type and font colors for the form's button
  • Label the low-code embed widget button ex: Pay Now

3. Customize the Confirmation Page message, which defaults to BLANK 

  • “Add a button to redirect to a different page” toggle is defaulted OFF, but can be toggled on to allow you to redirect customers to a webpage of your choice after they finish their checkout.  

  • Re-label the button, which defaults to “Go back to home” by typing the button label you prefer in the 'Labels for button' field  

  • Paste the website URL address for the page that will open when the customer clicks the button into the Redirect URL field  

3) After Payment (Share & Embed)

When you're finished customizing your Hosted Checkout, you'll be presented with a final set of instructions explaining how to share the Checkout Form. There are two main ways to do this, which we call the No Code or Low Code implementation options.
No Code
  • Checkout  Page URL : Click the Copy URL button to copy the checkout URL to your clipboard. Paste the link into an email, on a webpage button, in a text etc. to share it to customers that will open the form in a secure browser window and complete payment.
  • Checkout Page QR Code: Click the Copy QR Code button to copy the QR Code image to your clipboard. Paste the QR Code image onto your flyers, business cards, website, signs etc. so customers can scan and immediately open to a secure browser window and complete payment.
Low Code
  • Embed Code: Click the Copy Code button to copy the checkout form's embed code to your clipboard.  Paste the code into your website's HTML source code between the HTML <head> tags. Remember the code must be inserted on all pages you want to see the form.
  • For more style examples and control, see the detailed Hosted Checkout developer docs in the Everyware Integration Hub.

Hosted Checkout Transaction Reports

When a customer enters a new payment method on a hosted checkout, the transaction will appear in Everyware Payment Reports as "Hosted Pay" type. 
When a customer uses the Quick Pay option to pay by text, the paid transaction will appear as "Invoice" type. 

Hosted Checkout FAQs 

Are Hosted Checkouts different from Hosted Payment Page widgets?
Hosted Checkouts have many similarities to Everyware's Hosted Payment Pages, but overall provide a more comprehensive, customizable output. In time, Hosted Payment Pages will be discontinued as Hosted Checkouts enhancements progress. 
What is the Quick Pay Method? 
A Quick Pay field will appear on all Hosted Checkouts for MVP. It serves the same function as the Hosted Payment Page solution's "Enter Mobile for Fast Checkout" function, which generates and sends the customer a Pay by Text Link, which they can use pay with previously saved methods.
A Quick Pay tool also exists in the View Payments screen, but is a virtual terminal i.e. a shorter version of our Create Payment window that lets merchants key in payment information to run charges.
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