How do I add a new contact?

2 min. readlast update: 03.05.2024

Video Walkthrough: How to add a contact

You can add a new contact from a few different places in the Everyware portal if you don't see them already in any of your contact lists. 

Go to Contacts > Add Contact

OR Go to Contacts > View Contacts > Click the Add Contact button

OR Go to Contacts > View Contacts > Click the Quick Add button

Use Add Contact to create a contact profile with all possible details

  • The Add Contact page will open
  • REQUIRED FIELDS: You only need to add a First Name, Last Name, Mobile Number, and List, then click Save at the bottom.

Use the Quick Add Contact tool to create a contact profile with minimal details

  • The Quick Add Contact window will pop up. Fill in all required fields and click Save at the bottom right.
  • REQUIRED FIELDS: You only need to add a First Name, Last Name, Mobile Number, and List, then click Save at the bottom.

LIST: The contact will  be added by default to your site's main contact list, however, make sure you're adding new contacts to the list where you want them.  

MOBILE NUMBER: If the mobile number you're adding exists for another contact already, you won't be able to add the new contact with that number. Each contact must have a unique mobile number. 

CUSTOMER ID: You may also include:  The CustomerID field (optionally), which can be used to associate a contact profile in Everyware with the contact's profile/account in any other systems your company uses. 


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