How do I manage Authorized Charges and batch out?

2 min. readlast update: 05.10.2024

How do I manage Authorized Charges and batch out?

Batching Out or creating a batch of authorized, but yet-to-be-processed charges for processing can be done manually from the Authorizations page, typically at the end of the business day. 

How to Process a Batch of Payments

1. Go to View Payments > Process Authorizations 

2. On the Authorizations page, use the Charge toggle to indicate which transaction rows to add to your next processing batch.  

  • The Charge toggle will automatically turn on when a customer replies 'yes' to validate a charge via text. 
  • Transaction will be labeled as "Yes" under the validated column.
  • If a customer gives a verbal ‘yes’ instead of a text message 'yes' validation, then you MUST leave notes in the activity section of the system before manually switching the toggle ‘on’. 
  • You may also update the amount to be processed in the Amount column before adding it to a Batch. 

3. When you've toggled Charge on for all of the transactions you wish to include in that day's processing batch, click on the Process Batch button at the top of the Authorizations page.

4. All charged transaction will now appear on your main payment screen under the status of "Charge".

How to Release a Charge

Need to cancel a payment altogether because the customer did not validate the amount to process?

Click on the X button in the  Release Authorization column and the row will be removed from the table, the payment released from its previous 'Auth Only' Charge status. 


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