How do I send an invoice using the quick add invoice feature?

2 min. readlast update: 05.14.2024

How do I send an invoice using the quick add invoice feature?

Video Walkthrough: How to send an invoice using the Quick Add Invoice feature

The Quick Add Invoice feature allows you to send an invoice to a customer within an existing text conversation. To send an invoice using the Quick Add Invoice feature:

Go to Messaging > View Messaging   

 Click the customers message on the left side of the screen that you want to send the invoice to.

 Click the "Invoice" icon at the bottom of the message screen.


* Notice how the contact information of the customer is already populated inside the Create Invoice pop up window.

Scroll down and add the invoice line items you want to charge the customer for under the Description column. Double check the quantity, amount, total, and taxable status for the line itemClick Add once you have verified the price and other details.

* You will not be able to add a line item for $0.00. 

Scroll down to preview your message template. Your messages will automatically match the template set up in Messaging > Auto Messages > Pay by Text Invoice. You can edit the template there for all future default messages or message inside of the Create Invoice pop up window as-needed.

Set your Send timing for immediately or a time in the future and click Send when ready. 

Your customers will receive a text message with the secure invoice link inside. 

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