How to reset a Password

2 min. readlast update: 05.14.2024

How to reset a Password

Owners of Everyware accounts, master accounts and individual staff members can reset their passwords in different ways.

Forgot Password Link

If you forget your password, you can send a reset link to the email address or mobile number associated with your account.

1) On the login page,  click on "Reset your password?" above the Password field

2) Type the email address or mobile number associated with the account in the Email or Mobile field on the password reset page and click Submit

3) Check your phone or email and follow the Password Reset link to enter and save a new password


Change Password in Staff Profile

1) Click on your user initials (or photo if you've uploaded one) at the top right of the screen and click on My Profile from the dropdown menu

2) In your profile pop up, enter a new password in the New Password and Retype New Password fields, then click on Change to lock it in. When you do a "Nice! You have updated the password successfully" window will appear. Click Ok to close and move on. 

Owners Reset Passwords in Staff Profiles

As a site Owner, you can reset any password for the staff listed in your account. 

👆 If you're a site owner for a master site with sub-accounts, you can impersonate any sub account owner and change passwords for their site's staff the same way.

1) Go to Settings > Staff and click 'Edit' next to the user you want to change the password for. 

2) In the user's profile pop up enter a new password in the New Password and Retype New Password fields, then click on Change to lock it in. When you do a "Nice! You have updated the password successfully" window will appear. Click Ok to close and move on. 



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