Invoice Status Report

2 min. readlast update: 05.14.2024

Invoice Status Report

View & Cancel Unpaid Invoices

You can see the status of invoices you've created but are not yet paid in the Payments Reporting > Invoice Status table. 

1) Go to Payments >Payments Reporting

2) Click on the Invoice Status report tab

3) This report shows pay by text invoices that have been sent: 

  • the amount due
  • order number (i.e. Invoice #)
  • the staff user email who sent the invoice
  • the date the invoice was sent
  • the status of the invoice
    • Active invoices can still be paid or canceled
    • Expired invoices cannot be re-opened or paid
    • InActive invoices have been cancelled and cannot be re-opened or paid


4) Use the buttons in the Actions column to: 

A. Open an Active invoice in a new browser tab with the View button

B. Cancel an Active invoice with the Cancel button

The View button opens the invoice in a new browser tab just as the customer sees it on their phone. You can copy and resend the invoice URL from here and resend to customers upon request.


If you click on View in an Expired or InActive invoice row, a browser tab will open to a "no longer active" page instructing the customer to call your designated business phone number for support. 




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