Set up a Keyword Automation

1 min. readlast update: 03.25.2024

Set up a Keyword Automation 

To set up a keyword automation, you will first need to add the SMS reply you would like to send based on your keyword. 

To add a new SMS Templete, select your Messages Icon and Select "SMS Templates". 

Need helping adding an SMS Template? Visit: Create SMS Templates & Quick Replies | Help Center ( 

Once you have added your SMS Template. 

Select your Messaging icon and "Automations" 

Select "Create Automations" 

Begin by naming your Automation and adding the description (Description and name are only seen internally) 

To begin the Automation Select "Choose Starting Action". 

Select "Incoming SMS Message - Keyword Match (Exact) 

Enter in the Keyword you would like to use for your Automation. 

Note: Toggle on/off "Once Per 24 Hrs". By leaving this toggle on, a contact will only be able to complete this automation once in a 24 hour period. 

Select "Next Action" "Send outbound SMS" 

Next, select "Message Template". 

This drop down will display all of your SMS Templates. (See article above for more information about SMS Templates) 

Once your automation is completed. Select Save. 

Note: It is important to always test automations once they're completed. 🚨


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