Where can I see my payment reports?

8 min. readlast update: 06.13.2024

Where can I see my payment reports?

View Payments Page Live Transaction Report 

Everyware allows you to view summary tiles of your latest transaction data, and view a table of transaction details, which you may also customize, filter, and export for further analysis. 

Go to Payments > View Payments to see your transaction summary tiles and a detailed payments table. 

View Payments Summary Tiles

There are six tiles at the top of the View Payments page which summarize transaction data for the week, month and since you began using this portal sales site for processing. 

  1. TOTAL Volume: Your sales sites all-time transaction volume amount. 
  2. SALES This Month: The total amount for transactions paid in the current month.
  3. SALES This Week: The total amount for transactions paid in the current week. 
  4. SALES Today: The total amount for transactions paid the day you are viewing the report. 
  5. AUTHORIZED This Month: Total amount of transactions authorized (but not yet charged) for the current month. 
  6. REFUNDS This Week: The total amount of transactions refunded in the current week. 

Customize Columns in View Payments Table 

A handful of columns show by default but you may use the Show/Hide button at the upper right hand of the table on the page to adjust and save the data columns you wish to see. 

Item Name Definition Show/Hide Option
Account Name The name of the Account Holder of the payment method used to pay for the transaction.


Default to Show

Account Number The last four digits of the credit card or bank account used to pay for the transaction.


Default to Show

Account Type Card: Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, etc
ACH: Bank Account


Default to Show

Address City City for account holder's billing address Y
Address Country Country for account holder's billing address Y
Address Line 1 First line of account holder's billing address Y
Address Line 2 Second line of account holder's billing address Y
Address State State/Province account holder's billing address Y
Amount Paid If paid successfully, the amount the customer actually paid toward the total amount due.


Default to Show

Business The name of the Business as shown in the sales site business profile.


Default to Show

ChargeBack Date Date Chargeback was initiated Y
Convenience Fee $ amount of optional convenience fee added to transaction Y
Currency Currency the transaction was performed in (USD/CAD supported) Y
Customer ID Optional Customer ID associated with customer. Appears in Customer Profile and can be provided through ExternalID API parameter.  Y
Date Added The date of the charge, invoice, or refund.


Default to Show

Delivery Fee $ amount of optional delivery fee added to transaction Y
Expiration Moth Card Expiration Month Y
Expiration Year Card Expiration Year Y
ExternalID Optional External ID attached to contact. Y
Failure Code For failed payments, a specific failure code for an unsuccessful transaction provided by bank or processor. Y
Fee The Everyware Fee applied to all transactions for a sales site, if applicable.  Y
Individual ID Everyware "EW ID" Y
Initial Amount Initial $ amount of transaction before any fees applied Y
Invoice ID Transaction aka Invoice unique identifier Y
isChargeBack Shows as Y if a ChargeBack associated with the transaction Y
Location The name of the sub-account, a portal sales site organized beneath a master account. Y
Message Shows either the last text message sent or received with the customer billed, or the detailed error response if there was an issue with the transaction.


Default to Show

Modified Date NA - Temporary


Net The net amount received after all fees applied Y
Order Number The number that appears at the top of the invoice, which was either auto-generated by Everyware or included in the Order Number field of the Create Invoice portal window or in the CreateInvoice API when the invoice was created.


Default to Show

Other Fee 1 $ amount of optional extra fee 1, if configured for the sales site under Misc. Settings.  Y
Other Fee 2 Other Fee 1$ amount of optional extra fee 2, if configured for the sales site under Misc. Settings.  Y
Partial Payment If Partial Payments are allowed per the sales site's settings, their invoice may include a "Pay Other Amount" field.
  • Yes: If customers paid any amount below the invoice total amount due
  • No: Customer paid the entire amount due (and/or partial payments are not enabled for the sales site)


Default to Show

Payment Method

The payment method selected by the customer or indicated through the ChargeType parameter in the APIs.

  • Credit card
  • ACH


Default to Show

Payment Type The way the payment was captured, which may be:
  • Virtual Terminal: Create Payment
  • Invoice: Create Invoice, Quick Pay, Batch Import
  • AutoPay: Subscription plan auto-payment
  • HostedPay: A new payment made through a Hosted Payment Page URL, if enabled and activated for the Sales Site


Default to Show

PaymentID NA - Temporary


Phone Contact's mobile phone number. Y
Product/Service The invoice line item description for the product or service the customer has purchased. This appears on the customers receipt and invoice.


Default to Show

Provider Provider set for the invoice if Providers and Locations are configured for the sales site and updated in the Create Invoice settings.  Y
Receipt Email Email address receipt was sent to if "Send Email Receipt" checkbox was selected in the payment screens by a customer.  Y
Receipt Number Optional receipt number automatically generated by Everyware for each transaction. Y

Indicates whether the paid transaction was subsequently refunded via API call or manually by a staff member using the Refund button. 

  • True: Paid and Refunded
  • False: Not Refunded
Refunded Amount If the status of transaction shows it has been refunded, the amount refunded will appear in this column. 


Default to Show

SalesRep This data applies only when a sales agent's name is manually entered in the Create Payment (aka Virtual Terminal) pop up window. Y
Status (tag)

The status of the transaction shown as a color coded tag, which corresponds with the Transaction Status and may be: 

  • Charge
  • Refund
  • Failed
  • Chargeback
  • Void


Default to Show


Subcenters can be indicated with Providers for healthcare business types and set on an invoice if Providers and Locations are pre configured in Settings. 


Tip Amount

$ amount of optional tip value attached to transaction if tipping is enabled in Misc. Settings for the sales site. 


Transaction Fee

Possible fee charged by Everyware per transaction. Discussed during merchant onboarding, if applicable. 


Transaction Status

Current status of the transaction - succeeded, failed, etc


User Name

The name of the Staff member for the account who initiated the transaction or ran the charge. If the transaction was generated automatically through the API or a recurring payment portal feature, the Username associated will appear as "System."


Default to Show


NA - Temporary



The Validated column status only applies if you're using the Authorize Only method for 2 factor SMS authentication rather than an instant charge. Normal charges do not include a validation step, so look for the 'Captured: Yes' status to show the payment was successfully captured. A Validated Status will be either: Yes or No


Default to Show


Shows if a bank account was added and verified by an integrated Everyware API.
Yes: Bank Account Verified
No: Bank Account Entered Manually and Not Verified


Default to Show


By clicking “View Receipt” you will be able to view the receipt for the purchase, or refund. You will have the option to “Resend” the receipt [if your sales site has these permissions activated] or “Print”


A link that allows users to Refund a transaction when a refund has not yet been submitted



Filter View Payments Table Results 

Use the Filter button at the upper right of the payments grid and adjust the date range and select parameters you wish to use to narrow table results or find a specific transaction. 


Export View Payments Table 

Use the Export button at the upper right of the payments grid to save a PDF, CSV or Excel file format of your payment table's filtered results. 

It can take a few minutes for the system to generate and export a large report. If your export is large (over 500 transaction rows), you will see a notice about returning when the report is ready to use a download link to access it. 

When you report is ready, the bell icon at the upper right of your portal screen will show a new notification is available. Click on the icon and you'll see a window containing a link to download your newly generated report file. 

These downloadable file links will remain available for download for 7 days form the day they are generated. 


Additional Payment Reports

To see more variations of transaction data reports you may also go to Payments > Payments Reporting and select on the tab with the data you seek: 



Filter & Export Payment Reports

You may filter and export any of the payment data tables.  

  1. Use the 'Filter’ button to select the range of data you want to see
  2. Use the ‘Export’ button to copy, print, print to PDF or export the filtered data as an Excel or CSV file

Note: Everyware will provide 1,000 records at a time by default. If you need to see more records, use the Filter tool to pull all the data you need. 



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